Under Article 63 of the new RJOC law, Law No. 98/2015 of August 18, we inform you that the daily prices of gold, silver, platinum and palladium can be consulted at:

Applicable legislation: Article 64 - Automatic, distance and catalog sales - of the RJOC (Decree-Law No. 120/2017 of September 15) is an online shopping platform owned by Basta1verso - Unipessoal, LDA with tax number 517157969, headquartered at Rua de São Paulo nº33 - loja 33 - Postal Code 2495-435 Fátima, with CAE 46494 and Title of Jewelery Retailer with the number T10048.

We provide the official model chart of contrasting brands , issued by the INCM, as well as the necessary license for our activity, as required by law.

We inform you that the buyer may, in case of doubt about the authenticity of the brands, resort, for verification purposes, to the services of Assay Offices .


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